From what this historian said, it seems like "persecution" is the key to "validation."
"We were persecuted, therefore we must be the true religion."
From what this historian said, it seems like "persecution" is the key to "validation."
"We were persecuted, therefore we must be the true religion."
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
Vidiot! haha!!! I am soooo tempted! With all the "valuable" training we received in the "Ministry School"... I am a pretty good actress.
One time, when we were working on a quick build, the Bethel people were way above us "working class, rank and file" (1st time I ever heard 'publishers' called 'rank and file'... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr) and they would not feed our branch of construction UNLESS we came to the cafeteria.
We couldn't, we had poured the concrete, we had to eat and work. They made me (a sister, advocating worker's rights) go count them before they would give me trays to take (can you imagine!) My blood was boiling....
The next day, I was asked by a regular "rank and file" (instructed by the Bethel class) "Are you sure that this is the correct number?" I feigned shock, dismay, and trembled, "You, you.... are not calling me a liar, are you sister?"
Got her! She got herself in line, apologized, and went off to get the food as quickly as possible!
picture yourself as a member of the brooklyn bethel family on friday morning, october 2, 1914. you are seated at your usual place at the breakfast table, awaiting the arrival of brother c. t. russell.
suddenly the door to the dining room opens and brother russell appears.
he pauses for a moment, as is his custom, and greets the bethel family with a cheery “good morning, all.” but then, instead of immediately taking his place at the head of the table, he claps his hands and makes a thrilling announcement: “the gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day!” you can hardly contain your joy—you have been looking forward to this moment for a long time!
Very good, Steve2, this is a valuable summary, i am sure i will use, and very well written, thank you.
You know, as I was reading the 2011 WT about "When did Jerusalem fall, 607 vs 587" & did all this research about "generations" & 'how long is one according to the Bible, and added all the years & people of Matthew, Luke & anyone else in Jesus family listings, then divided then and came up with "40 years is what they average"......
Well, when I figured out that "apparently" 607 was a lie, and knew they would have to change "generation", I thought... "How could they? "
I then came across the verse about Noah... "preaching(?) for 120 years, and thought "they are going to add 120 to 1914, and make it seem like 2034 is "evidentally" logical.
& here we are.....
why does the wt interpret matt.24:34 "truly i say to you this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
" as having overlapping generations ?
and not applying the same reasoning to any other scripture/s referring to a generation or this generation .?
Matt.24:34 "Truly I say to you these overlapping generations will by no means pass away until all these things occur."
Stan livedeath: LOVE it!
Putting the scripture that way just says it all!
JWs would object to changing it, but ...... that is what has been done!
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
I changed my mind after speaking with my husband as we were talking about "totalitarian" governments....
I might answer this question, "As in, like 'totally"!!! I would believe whatever they say or whatever they change the meaning of the scriptures to say, like right away.
"I mean, like the GB told us, "The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction." but why wouldn't I believe them?"
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
about 3 weeks ago i created a thread due to my mom reaching out to me (we hadn't talked in over 2 years due to typical jw politics).
well, today she reached out again thought facebook messenger saying " i'm so sorry i hurt you my beautiful baby boy.
i'm hurting very much also.
I understand, HerIgo...
I keep hearing myself say the same things in my head that I wonder if I will say to my mom... I just may.
However, I never heard my mom say "Sorry, I love you" either.
Now that you have said it.... Maybe it will make her think? Perhaps it will weigh on her mind when she hears of a pedophile that walks around, shaking hands and smiling with everyone in the congregation, when she must shun you? Maybe?
Now that your 'conscience is clear', if she does reach out to you in the future, maybe you can both agree to keep religion out of the conversation...
best wishes, cha ching
december 12, 2016 re: branch relocation project - regional event registration.
december 5, 2016 to all congregations re: branch construction project.
december 5, 2016. to all congregations.
cha ching! cha ching! cha ching!
I can just hear the money rolling in now!
just thinking..... assume we had a family doctor that we had seen all our lives, perhaps he had been the doctor for your extended family too.
he is lovely man, very kind and honest hearted.. but if he had prescribed treatment or medication that was wrong, and had bad effects on you, then changed the medication to something else, then randomly changed it again etc, how would you feel?.
if you did some research into him, and found disturbing facts and things in his history that made you question his qualifications, how would you feel?
I love your illustration, StuckinaRut2!
Realllllly, really, really, really..... we would not trust that Doctor!
Heck, I wouldn't even trust the hairdresser!
But somehow, somehow...... they still trust the BORG!
just thinking..... assume we had a family doctor that we had seen all our lives, perhaps he had been the doctor for your extended family too.
he is lovely man, very kind and honest hearted.. but if he had prescribed treatment or medication that was wrong, and had bad effects on you, then changed the medication to something else, then randomly changed it again etc, how would you feel?.
if you did some research into him, and found disturbing facts and things in his history that made you question his qualifications, how would you feel?
Yes, Pete Zahut!
Isn't it amazing that the Bible seems to be a one way street with Witnesses?
After all "the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear!"